Thursday, February 18, 2010

Holy Ground

I have discovered that you don't need a burning bush, a sea splitting in two, or even a mountain top moment to find "holy ground." The backporch of Community UMC in Daytona Beach has become "holy ground." Lives have been welcomed from all alleys and avenues of life. Lives have been challenged and changed. God has been present on such a common ground. Isn't that what really makes ground holy? Not you or me but God. No matter where you are standing or sitting or living life it can be "holy ground." This backporch on a back parking lot leading to a back alley, across from a police substation is "holy ground." I want to share with you from this "holy ground" and other common grounds; God meeting people and showing His love to them. I, like Moses, am amazed that I get to be in the presence of such an awesome God and to learn from His people who stop by and share a cup of coffee or lunch with me on this "holy ground." Oh, by the way, this holy ground is not "inside" the walls of the church!
Till the next cup of java from the backporch...

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