Monday, April 26, 2010

Tun-tun's two-wheeler

Tun-tun is 4 years old. He is wearing a smile soooo big because of his new two-wheeler.

He has no idea who it was that blessed him with his new ride. A 7 year old in another state has not met the boy who has his old bike.

Tun-tun is the recipient of another's unconditional love!
A 60 plus year old was blessed with his "new" 2 wheeler. He has been cruising the beach and the streets with a new found freedom. His bike was a throw away that was restored by another church member. He is a recipient of someone's unconditional love!

There is a lot of that going on from the backporch of this church. People are blessing others they don't even know or may never meet with clothing, food, utility assistance, a cup of coffee and respect. I am seeing more and more smiles as big as Tun-tun's because people are understanding the idea of giving to others the love Jesus has given to them...unconditional!

Who will you bring a "Tun-tun" smile to because of your gift of uncondtional love. It can be a kind word, a listening ear, a practical need or even a two-wheeler!
"My dear children, let's not just talk about love; let's practice real love."
(I John 3:18 Msg)

This love reaches all ages and comes from all kinds of people!

It never gets old watching a "Tun-tun" smile come across a person's face who has experienced the reality of Jesus' love.

Till the next cup of java from the backporch...

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Resurrection Red Revolution!

It is the week after Easter! For most it is a time of reflection of the past week's celebration. For the disciples it was a time of revolution. The Holy Spirit came and empowered them to take on their world for the resurrected Messiah!
The resurrection of Jesus caused a revolution that rocked the world then and continues on today!
Has the resurrected Jesus "revolutionized" your life?
The spray painted heart was not a work of vandalism on the fence at the church. I actually did it during our Good Friday cookout and worship service on the back parking lot. It is a visible reminder to us all that we are to take the love of Jesus to the community. We handed out 150 cross necklaces and challenged the people to "paint our town red" with the love of Jesus. (Go to youtube and listen to Delirious "paint the town red" video)

The resurrection red revolution is happening! There is a sense of urgency. Don't get comfortable. Don't get individualized on yourself. Forget yourself long enough to serve others.
Let your main attraction be Jesus and His word and not the distractions of this world.

How is your life being revolutionized by Jesus?
How will you paint your town red with the love of Jesus?
Has your life been "revolutionized" by the resurrected Jesus?

Till the next cup of java from the backporch...