Wednesday, March 17, 2010

How does your garden grow?

From the backporch of my house this is the view of our garden. What you see are hearty collard green plants that survived the frigid Florida winter this year! They have continued to produce inspite of a difficult and challenging environment. This proves that collards are God's choice of veggies!!!

What you don't see in the picture are zucchini, eggplant and green bean seeds that have yet to germinate and break through the soil. I am doing my part: preparing the soil by clearing it of weeds and adding "miracle grow" dirt...with sore muscles to prove it. I planted and daily I am watering. God's part: the growing!

How is your garden growing? What? You don't have a garden! I want to challenge you to at least buy a tomato plant and put it in a bucket or the ground. Gardening is a daily reminder to me of God's growing in our lives and our planting spiritual seeds in the lives of "gardens" in our daily lives.

Paul encouraged the Galatians in their "gardening of lives." Read Galatians 6:7-10.
We harvest what we plant...the Spirit reaps eternal life...don't get tired doing will reap a great good to all people! There is God's garden growing in "miracle souls!" We each are challenged to having that kind of garden.

"Mary, Mary quite contrary, how does your garden grow?"
My friend, my friend, quite extraordinary, how does your garden grow?

Until the next cup of java from the backporch...

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